Mini Celestite Clusters - Madagascar

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  • Regular price $6.00

These cute little clusters of celestites just draw you in. Be sure to add one to your collection today!

Size: ~1-2 in.

Weight: ~2-3 oz.

Celestite is a strontium sulfate mineral, occasionally referenced as celestine. It forms is orthorhombic crystals. Its name comes from the Latin word "caelestic", meaning celestial. Celestite is often formed alongside other minerals such as gypsum, halite, and anhydrite. The largest celestite geode ever found was near the village of Put-in-Bay, Ohio, on South Bass Island in Lake Erie, measuring 35 feet in diameter.

Celestite assists in finding and maintaining your inner peace. It promotes higher spiritual awareness while elevating spiritual healing.

Chemical Formula: SrSO4

You will receive one (1) specimen similar to the ones pictured. Colors may vary based on screen size and resolution.

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